This year has already started out like it’s going to try to give the four before it a run for their money. There has been so much to happen this year already and there is only more on the way. However, I have decided instead of continuously doom scrolling and giving into despair, that I am going to do something. I told myself a while ago that if I do not see the good, then I need to be it. January 20th is going to mean a lot of things to a lot of people. It is for me, first and foremost, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Aside from that I have decided to completely ignore the circus and instead make it a day about good. I will be doing as much good as I can find to do. I’m cleaning up clothes to donate. I will be getting some nonperishable foods and getting them to those in need. I will be searching out opportunities in communities to be of service, as well as writing some things to contribute to hopefulness. All while looking to do what I can to help those impacted by disaster recover. This is the time for community building.
Things have been bleak for a while, but the point of it all is to overwhelm us into paralysis. The point is to make us feel powerless so that we’ll just go along to get along, but I have decided to empower myself by expressing my good and I want to encourage others to do the same. Right now, more than ever, what we need is to be as good as we can for ourselves and each other. There is plenty of harm being done and even more planned, but if we can just pick ourselves up and refuse to give in to the lure of corruption, we will be able to fight through. Giving in and up is not an option. As much as words can mean, this is a time for action. That action does not have to be rooted in negativity. It would serve us all better to counter it will good acts to show that people are still decent and kind. I will be utilizing my resources to sow into the world in a way that will make me feel good about continuing to live in it.
As a writer, I shall write. For other artists, I hope that singers will sing, dancers will dance, actors will act, and so on. If you can sew, make something. If you are a painter, paint something. This is the day to overpower all of the mess and disgusting depravity and instead make our lights as bright as possible to blight out the darkness. We can talk about greater implications and what will be needed to move forward. We can make plans to ensure that we are doing the work, whilst fighting for those whose job it actually is to do it. We can begin to redirect resources away from those who only use it for harm and instead ensure that things get to where they need to. Calling all organizations that do community work to help those in the greater community direct their good to those who need it. I want this to be a day for good and I know that regardless of anybody else I will be fully making my best manifest on January 20th. I encourage others to join me.
The more good we do, the better the world will be. I will be putting together ideas and resources to help people get ideas for what to do, as well as help organize things so that people can come together. My sincere hope is that it will help many to see what is possible if more of us stop responding to the bad and focus on ensuring we do good things ourselves and set the tone for others. Let’s go to the light and make January 20th a day that would make Dr. King very proud. Tune out of the lies and nonsense and let’s use the day to stop contributing to negativity. Bloggers, share good news. Social media posters, use your platforms to educate and help shine light on the things we can do to make our communities better. Please let’s make this commitment and spread the word so that January 20th can be a day that changes the tide towards good.
January 20, 2025 – King Day for Good
We need a good day. Let’s make one.
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